Company Overview – Valorgás is a leading waste-to-energy solutions provider. Valorgás builds, owns and operates landfill gas-to-energy (“LFGTE”). The company’s headquarters is located in Jundiaí (approximately 30 miles from São Paulo) and had operations in 8 landfill sites throughout Brazil, totalizing 32MW, in 2023. We believe Valorgás is well positioned in the emergent LFGTE sector, with a pipeline of new plants to be developed.

Environmental Impact – Valorgás is focused on landfill gas-to-energy generation.  Valorgás’s solutions also reduce methane emissions from landfills, which are at least 25x more potent than CO2. Valorgás is also a Distributed Generation solution, leading to a more distributed and efficient electrical load that reduces the need for new investments in transmission lines.